Birch Class (Year 3 & Year 4)


Welcome to the Birch Class page! 

Class Teacher: Mr Hoogewerf 

Teaching Partner: Mrs Callinan and Miss Chandler

As we approach the summer term with Birch Class, I would like to welcome all parents and pupils to our Birch Class webpage. 

General Information: 

  • Your child should come to school with their PE Kit on Mondays and Thursdays this half term, which may change each half of a term. Our PE Kit consists of a yellow PE top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. As we approach the summer months, we would expect warmer weather, but pupils may still need to wrap up warm, so please ensure that pupils have warm PE kit for outdoors learning. 

  • Reading diaries must be in school at the beginning of each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home at least three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on Fridays. Please make sure parents or guardians sign the diary. 

Our learning: 

This term, Birch Class will delve into the fascinating theme of "Gladiators, I Am Warrior," exploring ancient Rome and its gladiators' era through a diverse curriculum. English lessons will include reading historical books and engaging in various writing activities to bring ancient history to life. History classes will focus on the Roman invasion of Britain, providing insights into its historical impact. Science will cover the topic of Light, while RE will encourage students to consider how to contribute positively to the world. 

Music and French lessons will enhance creative and linguistic skills, respectively. PHSE will address the theme of Relationships, DT will explore Roman cooking, Computing will focus on coding and audience-aware writing, and Art will investigate sculpture and 3D creations. 

This comprehensive approach aims to enrich students' learning experiences and broaden their knowledge, promising a memorable and successful term ahead. 

If you have a question, please don’t hesitate to ask!